Saturday, August 1, 2009

8/1 - August Eez Heeya

Yep... so... I guess August is here D: I've been putting off blog posts for a long time. I'm like... too lazy and fat hehehe. So... YEA!

Okay. Just to document my interesting dream, here's what happened.

Eugene's Dream

I was going down a spiral staircase into this basement complex of libraries and then I had this weird vision that there was going to be a DINOSAUR there. Or something. And i was with a friend. SO I SUDDENLY JUST STARTED SPRINTING BACK UP THE STAIRS. Whoops, I guess I ditched the friend, hehe.

So then... I came to this long spiral (what's with me and spirals?) like rollercoaster-like track (made of cloth, lots of cloth) leading upwards. So, I started walking up. And rollercoaster things raced past me. So then one malfunctioned and the people were like, "WHAT." But it was still pretty low. So...okay the next part's pretty boring and I'm not even gonna try to explain it. AHa...

So then I randomly skipped to a COMPLETELY different topic... so we were in this...weird house thing. And suddenly a VAMPIRE JUMPED OUT AND GRABBED ME. And then I became sort of a vampire! But then I think I sort of semi-realized it was a dream. So I was like, OH SWEET I WANNA BE A VAMPIRE BWHAHAH! So then I turned into a vampire. Then we walk back. And we jump from tree to tree NARUTO STYLE lol. And creepy voices and ghosts are on the side. It wasn't really nightmaris htough... So we got back. And we got to this gladiator arena. With all the people from church in the bleachers! And I was this gladiator versing some random anime character. So then I was somehow holding a Bible. I WAS THE BIBLICAL VAMPIRE GLADIATOR BWHAHAHA. So then I PRAYED! AND THEN I WON! SOMEHOW. EVEN THOUGHT NOTHING HAPPENED. AND THEN THE CROWD GOES WILD! AIYAAAAAA

lol. this is the most ive ever remembered of my dreams. I think this is the whole thing! lol.

Yea... pretty awesome. I've really wasted a lot of this summer. I've been thinking about it, and that's what I always tend to do. T_T I should pray about that some. This blog post is being cut short because I have to go sleep now. DARN. who knows when I'll finally stop being fat and put up another post. School's coming up! AHHHhhhh. I'm on about p283 of my book. 100 pages left. I've got this. hehe.