Sunday, July 19, 2009

7/19 - Ah... proof for my obesity

ahaaaaaaaaaaaa........... yeppppppp fun day at church today :)

we learned about isaiah in sunday school...and you know... israel turned to like egypt and assyria for help, but in the end it was all turmoil. we need to turn to God because He's reliable :)

yea awesome sunday message! LOL

haha OMG okay so that bun michelle gave me...ITS ALL HER FAULT I TRIED EATING IT! LOL shes like "ITS EDIBLE ITS EDIBLE ITS EDIBLE!" so i tried EATING IT LOL. and it was like a RUBBER SQUEAKY TOY! without the squeak. it looks SOOO real. i thought the face was like icing. it even smells like a bun. and it feels like one. ARGHH

lol so it has a bite mark in it. but it looks realistic still. haha i love my bun. strawberry scented :)

ahhhhh yea. OMG i hate that curry stuff. they gave me all curry and no chicken. ew. haha. i want some mcdonalds. like right now. maybe i can get some tomorrow! =D

oh yeah. im going on missions tomorrow. we're going to little india (devon/warren park). so pray for us =D

we're also doing...nursing home care? idk the details about that...but pray for us in that too! :)

thank ya. buhbye. oh yea. an update in my BIBLICAL STUDIES YA. soooo im reading exodus now! i was gonna read revelation, but im like. its too confusing. ill just start off with exodus for now. cuz i want to get started on the old testament...

DID U KNOW ive only read genesis? yea. i skipped a few books in the new testament so i havent finished that... i still have to read 2 John, 3 John, Luke, and Revelation. :) but for now i have to improve my old testament knowledge. yepppp

HAHA OH YEAH! its a good thing i got case for faith! i love lee strobel! i've read case for Christ and case for a creator! haha. spelling Bible books is perty easy.

e-c-c-l-e-s-i-a-s-t-e-s haha see? :P i didnt google that

n-a-h-u-m :)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

7/16 - AHHHHH restrooms are awesome

Hahhaa. let me tell you the story of coming back from sommer school today! okayyyyyy so peter was testing out something when we were biking... so he started pulling my backpack and let me do all the biking for him. and it worked! BUT THEN MY PEDAL FELL OFF! LOL. so peter went to go get a wrench... and then we fixed it. so then i started biking home. and while i was biking... i was like I AHVE TO POO.

and then it got WORSE AND WORSE. AHHHH ITS A HORRIBLE FEELING!!!!!!! D: and the faster you go on the bike and hte harder you try, the more you ahve to poo!

AHHHHHHH so then i thought likeeeeeeee this is like unconfessed sinsssss because like you have to get those out of your system too!


butttt i meannn like i was desperate by the end. and then it felt SOOOOOO GOOD TO POO EHHEHEHE AM I BEING AWKWARD.

OMGG so yea... it reminded me to confess my sins more. :)


ahhh i probably had to poo because i ate SO much lol at the party. HAHAHA THERE WAS LIKE THIS CHILI GUACOMOLE CHEESE DIP. SO GOOD!!!!!! OMGGGG AND SUN CHIPS. I BROUGHT THOSE. LOVE THOSE. AND DONUTS. werent that good haha. SODA!!!! ICE CREAM!!! MMM i ate so much. its 12:48 right now. i havent had lunch yet. hEHEHHE.

i love food. so good. :)

ahhhhh missions is next week. pretty nervous. keep me in your prayers! :)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

1 John 4


THEYRE VERY HELPFUL YOU KNOW. well at least i think they are...

well to go on in 1 John, i'm liking this book a lot. haha. well basically the theme is still identifying those who are not of God in chapter 4.

1Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.
1 John 4:1

I wonder about this verse's meaning... I mean, does it mean we must make sure who is Christian? Oh wait, after reading it again, I get it. We have to know who is Christian and who is not, there are many false prophets who say they are Christians and would lead us astray. We have to beware of them. That's why there's so much warning and instruction on how to identify the fruit of the Spirit. :)

Okay... about love....
8 Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. --1 John 4:8

okay this passage REALLY makes sense
20 If anyone says, "I love God," and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen. 21And this commandment we have from him: whoever loves God must also love his brother.
-1 John 4:20-21

I mean... how can you hate your brother and say you love God? You can't even see God! It's much easier to love what you can see here, than what you CAN'T see and must have faith in. If you can't even start with what is here, then you have not moved on to love God yet. :O

It's a good thing we have the Spirit to put in us God's love :)

1 John is so awesomeeee hehe actually there turns out to be 5 chapters...ill be finished with it tomorrow. i'll see whether i want to read 2 John or 3 John next.

Monday, July 13, 2009

7/13 - Weeeee

HI!!!! My first post in a whileeeeee besides that last one I just posted...

Yea...OMG I HAVE SOMETHING I HAVE TO TELL YOU!!!! yea. spiders are infesting my house. it's SO FREAKY! AHhhhhhhh!HH!HhH!Hh they're so scary! AHH there was this huge freaky scary one that came crawling towards me...

so then uh... i had another epic battle and won hehehe

but omgggg okay so a spider comes crawling down the wall at me and i'm like AHHH

so then i run to the kitchen ... and im abotu to turn on the light...and ANOTHER SPIDER IS ON THE LIGHT SWITCH AHHHHHHHHhh

:( :( :( :( :( :(

so freaky. okay anyways.

haha today, when i got back from summer school, i was like i want sun chips!

so i started eating... and then like...i looked down again...and the entire bag was empty. i was like...what the!!!!! HOWD I EAT ALL OF THEM TAHT FAST>....

LOL. okay that was...bad...hehe...i looked on the back and it turns out i ate like...1540 calories. that's like. an entire days worth of calories. or more. thats kind of scary. i need to not do that in the future.

haha but im doing so well in summer school right now! okay... i went to go get my grade sheet...and it turns out... i dont have it right now...

*flashes back*


Vivian: HAHA!

Eugene: Noooo... *forgets and goes back to helping yifu on geometry*


Peter: Okay, it's time to leave!

Eugene: Okay! *leaves*


yep thats exactly what happened. well maybe besides the last line. hehe. DANGGG okay.

well i had like 90.3 + 25 points because the teacher just marked the last 25 points as 0 xD

i think i have like 94-95 =DDDDDD

really awesome right? haha bwaahahha thats likeeeeeeee the top 10% of the class :)

yepyep. cant wait till the party on thursday. then i get to eat. =D and then summer school will end! wahahah!

wow i DO have really long rants. who would have known i had it in me? yea. OMG MORE RANT!


sooooooo i forgot my summer camp registration at HOME ON SUNDAY! AHHHH AND THEN I WAS LIKE NOOOoo

so then i was like maybe my mom can bring it when shes picking me up for servant team meeting so i was like YESSSSss

so then after service i was like is there servant team meeting today to mike and hes like nope. and im like NOOOOOOOooo

so then i go home. and hten later i get an idea to ask if theres a way i dont pay the late registration. so then i ask elim and shes like yea. just email mike. and im like YESSSSss

so then i email mike and hes like email your info to vincent. and im like NOOOO but im still like YESSSSSSS so then i emailed the stuff to vincent. and im like YESSSSSSsssss xD

yea. woo. perty awesome. lets see... what else is new in eugenes life. OOH im seeing harry potter on uh...thursday? thursday. okay. yea. mhm.

is this post getting a lil' long? hahawowlolWHOA okay

the end.

1 John 3

Haha, this is my first post in a while... but I decided to start blogging again. MAYBE SOMEONE WILL READ MY BLOG! =D I'll start off with the awesome chapter I read in the Bible today.....

There are some really good verses in this chapter

4Everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness; sin is lawlessness. 5You know that he appeared to take away sins, and in him there is no sin. 6No one who abides in him keeps on sinning; no one who keeps on sinning has either seen him or known him. 7Little children, let no one deceive you. Whoever practices righteousness is righteous, as he is righteous. 8 Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil. 9 No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God’s seed abides in him, and he cannot keep on sinning because he has been born of God. 10By this it is evident who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil: whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is the one who does not love his brother.
1 John 3:4-10

This passage is a really good passage and it actually relates back to that verse in Matthew that says you will know them by their fruit. It really tells us that the Spirit will work in us, and that those with the Spirit don't continue in reckless sinning.

I also stopped to think what "reckless sinning" meant; what kind of sinning this passage was talking about. THANKFULLY BECAUSE OF MY ESV STUDY BIBLE :) it said that although Christians will never break free of sinning, we WILL be sanctified and no sin will be too great for us to conquer. We will never be trapped in an endless cycle of sinning. That's comforting to know =D.

The next part also has some good verses

14We know that we have passed out of death into life, because we love the brothers. Whoever does not love abides in death. 15 Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.
1 John 3:14-15

Actually, I hear many people say "I hate... I really hate..." a lot, and I wonder why they are still hating, because we are called to love our brothers.

17But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him?
1 John 3:17

But actually, reading this verse makes me feel that I haven't been loving enough to my brothers in need and that I need to pray for more compassion as I go out on missions. I need a heart that breaks for the poor and the hopeless.

Yeaaaaa...well that's about all I studied today. I wonder if people are reading this.. hm...

Thursday, July 2, 2009


lol sorry. this'll probably be the last post. I realized no one reads my blog. Yes, I was right :O

okay. bye.