Sunday, July 19, 2009

7/19 - Ah... proof for my obesity

ahaaaaaaaaaaaa........... yeppppppp fun day at church today :)

we learned about isaiah in sunday school...and you know... israel turned to like egypt and assyria for help, but in the end it was all turmoil. we need to turn to God because He's reliable :)

yea awesome sunday message! LOL

haha OMG okay so that bun michelle gave me...ITS ALL HER FAULT I TRIED EATING IT! LOL shes like "ITS EDIBLE ITS EDIBLE ITS EDIBLE!" so i tried EATING IT LOL. and it was like a RUBBER SQUEAKY TOY! without the squeak. it looks SOOO real. i thought the face was like icing. it even smells like a bun. and it feels like one. ARGHH

lol so it has a bite mark in it. but it looks realistic still. haha i love my bun. strawberry scented :)

ahhhhh yea. OMG i hate that curry stuff. they gave me all curry and no chicken. ew. haha. i want some mcdonalds. like right now. maybe i can get some tomorrow! =D

oh yeah. im going on missions tomorrow. we're going to little india (devon/warren park). so pray for us =D

we're also doing...nursing home care? idk the details about that...but pray for us in that too! :)

thank ya. buhbye. oh yea. an update in my BIBLICAL STUDIES YA. soooo im reading exodus now! i was gonna read revelation, but im like. its too confusing. ill just start off with exodus for now. cuz i want to get started on the old testament...

DID U KNOW ive only read genesis? yea. i skipped a few books in the new testament so i havent finished that... i still have to read 2 John, 3 John, Luke, and Revelation. :) but for now i have to improve my old testament knowledge. yepppp

HAHA OH YEAH! its a good thing i got case for faith! i love lee strobel! i've read case for Christ and case for a creator! haha. spelling Bible books is perty easy.

e-c-c-l-e-s-i-a-s-t-e-s haha see? :P i didnt google that

n-a-h-u-m :)

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